banking banking1 n. 1.筑堤,堤防。 2.(纽芬兰的)近海渔业。 3.【航空】横倾斜。 n. 银行业;银行学;金融。
agreement n. 1.一致,同意。 2.契约;协约,协定。 3.【语法】一致,呼应。 a gentleman's [gentlemen's] agreement 君子协定。 by agreement 同意,依约。 arrive at [come to] an agreement 达成协议。 bring about an agreement 商妥。 conclude [enter into] an agreement 订约。 in agreement with 符合…照…。 make an agreement with 与…达成协议。
The hkmc signed the placing bank agreement with dao heng bank , hsbc and hang seng bank at the signing ceremony held this afternoon 按揭证券公司在今日下午举行的签署仪式上分别与道亨银行丰银行及恒生银行签订配售银行协议。
The hkmc signed the placing bank agreement with bank of china , bank of communications , citic ka wah bank , dao heng bank , hsbc , hang seng bank , standard chartered bank and wing lung bank at the signing ceremony held this afternoon 按揭证券公司在今日下午举行的签署仪式上与中国银行交通银行中信嘉华银行道亨银行丰银行恒生银行渣打银行及永隆银行签订配售银行协议。